Menu Approval TW Header Image

Welcome to foodpanda!

This form is only applicable to new vendors

Do you have more than 1 outlet to be activated on our platform? | 是否有一個以上的合作店家要在平台上線?
Is there any issue with the menu presented? | 目前的菜單是否有任何問題?*
(Please consolidate all menu changes into this typeform. Subsequent amendments will only be updated after outlet is live.) | 請將所有的修改內容彙整到此表單中。後續修改將在貴餐廳上線後才會更新。
What is the issue with the menu presented? | 目前的菜單有何問題?*
(Please take note, for all images to be uploaded/amended please do email in to after the outlet is live.) | 請注意,請將任何需要上傳或修改的菜單圖檔在餐廳上線後郵件傳給
What details are we missing in your menu? | 菜單中是否有任何細節是我們有所疏漏的?*
What items in your menu been revised? | 菜單中有何項目是已修改過的?*
(ITEM NAME-ACTION-INFORMATION) Example: Hot Wings-Change name- Fiery Wings | (品項名稱-更改-內容) 例:熱雞翅-更改名稱-辣雞翅)
(ITEM NAME-ACTION-INFORMATION) Example: Hot wings - Change Price - $5.70 | (品項名稱-更改-內容) 例:熱雞翅-更改價格-$5.70
Please upload the dine-in menu (camera-captured images, not digital/soft copy) in JPEG or PNG format | 請上傳餐廳的內用菜單(可用相機影像,不接受打字文件)JPEG或PNG檔*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Do you have more files to upload? | 是否要上傳檔案?*
How many more files to be uploaded? | 上傳檔案的數量?*
Please select the number of files to be uploaded | 請選擇要上傳檔案的數量
Please upload the dine-in menu (camera-captured images, not digital/soft copy) in JPEG or PNG format | 請上傳餐廳的內用菜單(可用相機影像,不接受打字文件)JPEG或PNG檔
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Please upload the dine-in menu (camera-captured images, not digital/soft copy) in JPEG or PNG format | 請上傳餐廳的內用菜單(可用相機影像,不接受打字文件)JPEG或PNG檔
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Please upload the dine-in menu (camera-captured images, not digital/soft copy) in JPEG or PNG format | 請上傳餐廳的內用菜單(可用相機影像,不接受打字文件)JPEG或PNG檔
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Would you like to upload a revised menu? | 是否要上傳修改後的菜單?
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Please upload the dine-in menu (camera-captured images, not digital/soft copy) in JPEG or PNG format | 請上傳餐廳的內用菜單(可用相機影像,不接受打字文件)JPEG或PNG檔
Have you received your smartphone for Foodpanda's order management system? | 是否有收到foodpanda訂單系統用的手機?*
When would it be best for us to contact you? | 請問何時方便聯繫您?*

Thank you! You are almost ready to start receiving orders. | 感謝您!您的餐廳即將可以開始接收訂單囉!

Please take some time to read the guide & answer the questions below | 請耐心閱讀使用指南,並回答下列問題。

Click the play button to watch the instructional video 點擊播放按鈕,以觀看教學影片。

When you see an order under 'New', the order has already been accepted. | 在「新」欄位下看見訂單時,是否代表該訂單已經接受了?*

Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is: False. You need to accept orders that you see under 'New' | 很抱歉,您答錯了。正確答案為:您需要點選並接受「新」欄位內的訂單,即可完成接單。

When do you prepare the food for orders under 'Upcoming'? | 您該在何時開始準備「即將到來」的訂單呢?*

Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is: When the order is accepted and appears under 'Accepted' | 很抱歉,您答錯了。正確答案為:訂單須先點選接受,且顯示於「已接受」欄位下時,即可開始準備餐點。

If the shop is busy/closed for the day and cannot accept orders, what do you do? | 當您的餐廳過於繁忙或暫停營業時,欲暫停接收訂單,該如何操作呢?*

Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is: Click on 'Available' at the top right corner and select 'Busy' or 'Unavailable Today' | 很抱歉,您答錯了。正確答案為:請點選右上方「正常營業」,並選取「餐廳忙碌」或「停售一天」,即可暫停接單。

If you have run out of an item, what do you do? | 當您的餐點完售時,需如何操作呢?*

Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is: Go to 'Menu Availability' and select the item to mark as "Unavailable" | 很抱歉,您答錯了。正確答案為:進入「餐點狀態」中,選取該餐點,並點選「停售一天」。

Do you want to go live within the next 48 hours? | 您希望在48小時內讓餐廳開始上線嗎?*
Please keep the tablet switched on, you will start receiving orders once you go live. | 請保持平板設備開機並連接網路,待餐廳上線後即可開始接收訂單。
Why are you not ready? | 為何餐廳尚未準備好上線呢?*
When would you like to be contacted? | 請問何時方便聯繫您呢?*